Blaeddau Du is a Viking re-enactment group and a branch of the Vikings, a Dark Age re-enactment society and as such we train with steel weapons in a fighting system that has been honed since 1971.
We train with sword, single handed axe, Dane axe, one and two handed spear, seax, javelin, shield and archery. We also do living history of c950 that is to say crafts that people undertook in their daily lives. We have a lot of fun practicing and educating others.
As a Hiberno-Norse / Welsh group we portray Vikings and Welsh that lived in South Wales in 950.
Blaeddau Du participate in historical battles, non-scripted battles, combat competitions, extras work on films and audio, educational school visits (mainstream and SEN).
We have put on many shows across South Wales over the years and have 30 years of experience in events so we can help to make your event special.
There are many reasons to join a re-enactment group, the crafts, learning and experimenting with history using accurate tools, experience combat and see how your ancestors fought in the shieldwall with all manner of weapons in a competitive way. Combat is great exercise with a hint of adrenaline and humour.
Re-enactment is a relaxed way of getting rid of the daily stress that everyone is under these days with an extended family of friends.